miss write - definitely the end
Well, I have to say I am absolutely gutted about there being no winner for the Miss Write competition. [I'm going on the idea that this is true.] After weeks of writing, submitting in May, and then months of waiting in suspense, we find out that in the judges' eyes none of the 2,300 entries were good enough to be published.
It feels as though they have cheated all of us. Surely there's plenty of talent out there, plenty of amazing writers just waiting to be found and uncovered by Cosmoblumminpolitan magazine.
But there we go. Sphere have just saved themselves £30,000, and Louise Candlish has no one to guide to fame, glory... and a complete novel.
My friends on their blogs have more or less already expressed what I feel. I just find it utterly bizarre that there is no winner, and that Cosmo have just dismissed a great competition and shoved it into a little paragraph on page 7.
Again, congrats to all of the winners/runnersup, and good luck to everybody for next year.
And more importantly, let's all look forward to Company's [hurrah!] annual short story competition, which should be airing soon.
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8 years ago
Dansi - did you enter Company's short story competition last year? Do you know if you can enter if you've previously had short stories published?
No I didn't enter last year - I haven't ever written a short story! But I'm really looking forward to trying it this year!
I'm not sure, maybe you should email them? Or i'm sure it will state whether or not you can when the competition aires x
Well, this is just completely stupid (yes, I entered!) As you said, it seems to have been a way to garner publicity for Sphere, Cosmo and Waterstones with no payoff at the end. I thought there would be a large article, featuring extracts from the winner and runners-up, interview, photos etc. All this waiting for nothing. Oh well, at least I've almost finished my book now.
Good luck to everyone in submitting to publishers.
Emma x
Yeah it's really disappointing. But we've got to think of it this way - the competition led us all to write our novels and the mess up with the results will make the most of us even more determined to get our stories published without the need of a glossy mag [which isn't all that much of a great mag anyway!]
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