Monday, 25 August 2008

the bookshelf

these are the beach reads that I've finally sorted out for my (second) holiday! Very exciting stuff!

Saturday, 23 August 2008

short story competition

The most fabulous glossy magazine on the planet, Company, has teamed up with Galaxy this month to host its annual short-story competition!

All you need to do is write a short story of your choice, no longer than 2,000 words, and send your entry in hard-copy format to:

Galaxy Short Story Competition
Company magazine
72 Broadwick Street
London W1F 9EP

by 16th September 2008!

How exciting for our team of short-story bloggers.
Who's planning on taking part??

the bookshelf

Lucy Diamond - Over You

Look what came through my door this morning. So pretty! So shiny and new. And utterly fabulous, I'm more than pleased that it's arrived in time for my holiday! I still haven't read Any Way You Want Me, which is near to the top of my reading list, although I feel that with all of Lucy's excitement about the release of this book, it shall have to jump straight to the top of the reading pile.

I'm not too sure what I'm most excited about - two weeks in Spain or the bookshelf I'm taking with me?!

rewrite : very pleased

now reading

Has anybody read this book? I got through all of my holiday reads and couldn't bear to wait around Athens/Luton airport for two and a half hours without a new book in my hand. So, with the limited choice on display at Athens, I picked up Be Careful What You Wish For by Alexandra Potter - I loved the cover, and the blurb offered a good, light read for my flight.

After being wrapped up by Gossip Girl I didn't get the chance to read it, however after coming home I logged onto Trashionista (naturally.!) and found disappointing reviews for Potter's new release, Me and Mr Darcy, with links to people who also weren't very pleased with this book. I'm still going to continue to go ahead and read it, but wondered if anyone had any views/reviews on this book or any of her others? I've never heard of the author before but her novels include Calling Romeo, Going La La, Do You Come Here Often? and Mr and Mr Darcy. She has a new release for January 2009, titled Who's That Girl?

The heart-throb in Be Careful What You Wish For is called James... what a perfect name for a heartbreaker............ Another thing that inspired me to read one of Potter's books is the author herself, who has achieved what I aspire to do in future - Potter has worked as a features writer and sub-editor for women's UK glossies including Elle, More, OK! and Vogue. Wow!

Friday, 22 August 2008

yum of the week :

the bookshelf - holiday reads

The Bride Hunter - Amy Appleton

I picked this book up a few weeks before my holiday and it looked so delicious that I jumped straight in and started reading it, before finding that life was too hectic to sit down and enjoy it completely. So I reopened it on my first beach day in Greece... and couldn't put it down. It's fantastic, I LOVE IT and it's jumped straight into my shrine.

I'm a hopeless romantic and all throughout the novel I was wishing for Becca to find her own man, at the same time admiring her for the changes she makes to the lives of those unlucky in love. I was gripped until the very last pages and it was so fabulous that I was tempted to turn back to page one and read it all over again.

It's full of twists and turns and unexpected surprises - go and read it, now!

I didn't know that 'Amy Appleton' had her own blog here too, at , so if you haven't already then check that out!

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Saturday, 9 August 2008

rewrite : a little progress is still progress

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

our community

I've just been having a nosy at the Novel Racers blog and found myself smiling uncontrollably at the achievements of its members since the blog opened. Getting published is something we all aim, strive and wish for, and for some of us on here to have achieved that is amazing. To have one, two, three book deals, to be able to walk into Waterstones and see your book there in print... I admire all of the people who have worked so hard and stayed so determined and shown that it is possible.

And however it seems otherwise, it is possible!!!

Monday, 4 August 2008

rewrite : started!

Sunday, 3 August 2008

question #1 :